For more information or to ask any copyright questions not answered in this guide, please contact:
Sue Morin
Senior Library Technician, Copyright
250-489-2751 x.3407
The following educational exceptions in the Copyright Act allow specific uses of copyrighted works for instructional purposes without payment or permission from the copyright owner, provided accompanying conditions are met.
***Please note that license terms take precedence over legislative allowances.
Publicly available materials on the Internet
Copying for instruction (classroom display)
Students, staff, and faculty of College of the Rockies are permitted to reproduce copyright-protected works for display in class for teaching and training purposes, provided the works are not commercially available in an appropriate format. Copyright Act, Section 29.4(1)
Copying for tests and exams
Students, staff, and faculty of College of the Rockies are permitted to reproduce, translate, perform, or communicate electronically copyright-protected works for tests or exams, provided the works are not commercially available in an appropriate format. Copyright Act, Section 29.4(2)
Performing a copyright-protected work
Students, staff, and faculty of College of the Rockies are permitted to give live performances of copyright-protected works, such as plays (Copyright Act, Section 29.5(a), provided:
Copying broadcasts and news program for classroom use
Playing sound recordings
Other uses of music or sound recordings on campus may require permission. See the Music and Licensing page of this guide.