For more information or to ask any copyright questions not answered in this guide, please contact:
Sue Morin
Senior Library Technician, Copyright
250-489-2751 x.3407
Access Copyright is a collective voice of creators and publishers in Canada. A non-profit, national organization, they represent tens of thousands of Canadian writers, visual artists and publishers, and their works. Through agreements with sister organizations around the world they also represent the works of hundreds of thousands of foreign creators and publishers.
Access Copyright licenses the copying of this rich repertoire of content to educational institutions, businesses, governments and others.
--- from the Access Copyright site
The College currently operates under the Access Copyright College Premium Licence Agreement and its Permissions.
Who can copy?
Students, library users, faculty and staff members of College of the Rockies may copy portions of published works in Access Copyright's repertoire.
How much can be copied?
There is no limit on the number of copies that can be made under the premium licence for any purpose, including course collections, as long as the following limits are not exceeded:
(i) copying up to twenty per cent (20%) of a repertoire work; and
(ii) copying a repertoire work that is:
Can limits be exceeded?
Yes, although additional payment may be required. See Sue Morin in the Library to arrange a transactional licence through Access Copyright.
Permitted uses
Under the premium licence, users may:
The premium licence permits use of published works subject to the following exceptions:
Use Access Copyright's Titles Search and Permissions Tool to search their extensive repertoire and confirm that the titles you wish to copy are covered for print and/or digital use.