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Information Literacy Skills Development (ILSD)

This guide introduces faculty to definitions, issues, resources, and librarian-supported workshops and instructional sessions.


Information literacy tools are the variety of technologies (and pedagogical methods) that can be employed to promote research competence.

Using this technology, whether it is Clickers or the online software Polleverywhere, offers the opportunity to heighten the active learning approach in improving learning outcomes. Clicker or other participant response technology applied as an assessment tool to assist in determining the level of information literacy knowledge already possessed by students (pre-assessment) sets a benchmark and facilitates differentiated information literacy pedagogy.

Clickers and other participant response systems are used to:

  • engage students, assess performance, graded tests/assignments
  • create action sequences
    • Instructor poses a question to students
    • Each student submits an answer to the question using a handheld transmitter or "clicker"
    • Software on the teacher's computer collects the students' answers and produces a graph or chart showing distribution of answers
    • Teacher can make instructional choices in response to the chart of answers
  • deliver varied types of questions
    • Multiple choice, true/false, yes/no, Likert
    • Summative assessment - graded activities like quizzes or tests
    • Formative assessment - questions that provide real-time information about student learning
    • Discussion warm-up - posing a question, giving students time to think about it and record their answers
    • Peer discussion - students answer first, then discuss in pairs, and then answer again after a discussion
Pros Cons
Student engagement Learning curve for instructor
Anonymous participation for shy students Time
Assess student understanding during class Writing good questions takes practice
Take attendance and to rapidly grade in-class quizzes

Technology Ideas

  • Wikis and blogs (Blogger, Wordpress, Tumblr)
  • YouTube
  • de.lic.ious
  • Mendeley/Endnote/Zotero
  • Google Docs
  • Smart phones/iPhone
  • iPods
  • Podcasts
  • Gaming/Second Life
  • Screen capture: Jing, Captivate, Viewlet
  • Browser add-ons
  • Flickr
  • Social networking (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest)
  • Texting