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Learning Commons

Finding & Using Online Images

Use images to support your presentations, engage your audience, and to punctuate or demonstrate your topic when writing papers and assignments. Learn where to find online images and how to use them legally and ethically.

Using Wikimedia Commons


Unlike Google Image search or searching Flickr, Wikimedia Commons includes video, audio, and other multimedia files. Wikimedia Commons hosts files that are explicitly free to use and are often good quality and so it may be faster to search directly within this source. More information about Wikimedia's rights policy is available here .

Wikimedia Commons is easy to navigate but can take some time to figure out all the features within categories and subpages. Each simple search takes you to a page that is divided into further subcategories. In addition, Wikimedia includes broad categories such as "featured pictures," "quality images," and "valued images".

Media Options


Wikimedia Commons offers you a wide variety of media: images, sounds, and videos. 

Example: Gardehusarregimentets Hesteskadrons Trumpeter (rank) corps (Sound)

By Gardehusarregimentets Hesteskadrons Trumpeter (rank) corps ( [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

Example:   By ESO Music: Zero Project (Zooming into the southern spiral NGC 300) [CC BY 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons (Video)

Wikimedia Commons


Wikimedia commons is a collaborative encyclopedia.

Similar to Flickr, anyone can upload images. However, Wikimedia also includes audio, video, and other multimedia files.

Users can choose from multiple images sizes when downloading.  Of most use to users, is the associated information about the work depicted as well as copyright information, including attribution details. 

Click here for more information on finding images in Wikimedia Commons. The video tutorial is created by librarians of "The Unquiet Library"  group. 

Berdorf (LU), Hohllay -- 2015 -- 6097-101.jpg

Image Credit:

© Dietmar Rabich, [CC BY-SA 4.0 (, CC BY-SA 3.0 de ( or CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons