- Priority for booking the Flex Lab goes to faculty needing to use the room for teaching and learning. The Flex Lab is not intended to be used as a replacement for regular classroom scheduling.
- Staff may book the room for events outside of typical teaching hours.
- The Flex Lab furnishings are mobile, this means that one should expect that the room will be in a state different than one might want upon arrival. Let students know how you want the tables and chairs arranged for that session.
- The Lab comes with four moveable whiteboards, two screens, and a smartboard. There is also a wireless projector in the room. (Instructors will need to bring their own laptop to connect. There is a remote for the projector that needs to be retrieved from the Learning Commons’ service desk.)
- Food is currently allowed in the room, but it is expected that people will clean and remove trash before leaving.
Flexible Learning Lab Seating Arrangement Chart