As a College of the Rockies student you have access to thousands of videos available for streaming to your preferred device.
Streaming Video Collections
Criterion-on-Demand(Multidisciplinary) This collection has more than 2,600 major motion pictures (largely Hollywood films) and more than 100 documentary features. Their goal is to provide easy access to educationally relevant feature films used in Canadian Higher Education Institutions. This collection gives teachers and students streaming access to the best in educational video and audio from CBC and Radio-Canada. You'll find documentaries from television and radio, news reports and more — all available with a single subscription!
Films on Demand: Business & Economics Videos(Business) In a world of bubbles and busts, extreme poverty and astronomical wealth, rapidly emerging worldwide markets and a digital revolution that is transforming practically everything, few video collections are more crucial to keeping up with changing times. Economic theory, basic business education, accounting and finance fundamentals, business ethics and law, management and marketing—it’s all here, in depth.
Films on Demand: Technical & Trades VideosThis collection of online videos includes a variety of subjects related to Technology and Trades, including: Agriculture, Automotive Technology, Building & Technical Trades, Engineering Technology, Information Technology, and Technical Communication.
NFB(Multidisciplinary) Collection includes documentaries, animations, experimental films and fiction. NFB showcases films that take a stand on issues of global importance that matter to Canadians—stories about the environment, human rights, international conflict, the arts and more.
TVO TodayAs an agency of the Ontario Ministry of Education and a not-for-profit social impact charity, TVO believes in the importance of equitable education. We seek to represent the voices of communities across the entire province. To do this well, diversity, equity and inclusion are at the core of what we do every day.