If you are having any trouble with your card or app not scanning on the bus, or any other account related inquiries, please contact UMO Customer Service directly.
Starting September 2024, you’ll need to use the new Umo mobile app or a reloadable Umo card to show proof of payment on all buses in the Cranbrook Regional Transit System.
You’ll need to request your unique-to-you COTR benefit code at the start of each new term. Request Your UPASS Code Please allow up to 24 hours to receive your code to your COTR email. (Not including weekends)
You can choose to use either the Umo app or a reloadable Umo card as your UPASS—you cannot use both. As the app includes travel tools such as real-time information, maps, and alerts, it is BC Transit’s recommended fare product.
UMO App | Reloadable UMO Card |
You’ll know your UPASS was accepted when you see the Umo validator’s green checkmark.
Visit the BC Transit website for route information.
You’ll need to request your unique-to-you COTR benefit code at the start of each new term. Request Your UPASS Code (Please allow up to 24 hours to receive your code to your COTR email) (Not including weekends) |
Once you receive your new COTR benefits code, just reload to your account using the last two steps above and you're all set!
Contact Enrolment Services to pay the UPASS fee. Once you've paid the fee, please allow up to 24 hours for the UPASS to be applied to your account and then follow the instructions on activating your UPASS.
College of the Rockies Students' Association and BC Transit have agreed to allow students to opt out of the UPASS only if they meet one of the following two criteria:
Student has a physical disability that precludes travel by regular Cranbrook Transit fixed route or the handyDart services.
Students who already hold a CNIB Pass or the annual BC Bus Pass.
Only the 2 reasons listed above are eligible to request an opt out. Any other reason does not qualify for opt out.
Please complete the UPASS Opt-Out form and submit to the Students' Association by email (studentsassociation@cotr.bc.ca) no later than 30 days from the start of the semester.